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Class Details

Class Name: Basic Life Support Renewal (BLS-R) Course: Building 31C :May 6, 2025 0830 - 1130
Number of Slots: 8
Openings: 4
Description: NOTE: Please DO NOT REGISTER for MULTIPLE BLS-R Skills Sessions ONLY trainings (between Buildings 10 & 31C). This course is AHA Basic Life Support Renewal Course. Previously "Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Renewal." This course is for those that have taken Basic Life Support previously. This class will last approximately 3 hours. All course materials (outlines, textbooks etc.) will be supplied at class. Successful completion of the course includes passing both a written and practical skills test. Please note: Digital e-Cards will be issued for this class, within 7 BUSINESS DAYS of the conclusion of the class. Students will receive an invitation from: ecards@heart.org, to claim their card. This invitation will be sent to the e-mail address the student entered on the physical roster/sign-in sheet at the class. Occasionally, the NIH firewall will kick this e-mail to a student's junk/spam box. Remember to check the e-mail put on the roster, junk and spam on a regular basis. Another way students can look for their e-card, without having received an invitation from ecards@heart.org, is to visit: https://ecards.heart.org/student/myecards. Enter your name and e-mail address provided on the roster and see if your card comes up. CPR is a physically demanding skill. Be prepared to perform CPR on the classroom floor. Dress accordingly in comfortable attire. If you require glasses to read or see at a distance, please bring those with you to class.
Special Comments: Late Policy: Each class session begins promptly at the stated start time. The AHA requires that all students be present for the entirety of the course, in order to receive the course completion card. Late admittance, early dismissal, and/or absences from the classroom during the course are not permitted. Students are encouraged to arrive early for class. NOTE: Please DO NOT REGISTER for MULTIPLE BLS-R Skills Sessions ONLY trainings (between Buildings 10 & 31C).
Target Audience: All Clinicians and Public Health Service Officers (Commissioned Corps)at the NIH. The following NIH Employee groups may attend: Full time / Part time NIH employees, contractors, and those on long term assignments. If you are unsure if you may take this course, please contact the course director prior to registering.
Pre-requisites: Update and Guidelines for the NIH AHA Training Center: Students must be prepared to bring their own mask, gloves, disinfectant (coronavirus approved) wipes, to the Training Center during the COVID-19 outbreak. Objective: To provide guidance for the NIH AHA Training Center using safe and precautionary steps to minimize the spread of COVID-19. These guidelines are subject to change as updated information from federal and local governments becomes available. Classroom: • The classroom seating arrangement will be spaced to allow 6 ft. between students when seated and during practical application training. • Students and instructors are expected to maintain social distancing guidelines throughout the entire training session. Class size: • Maximum number of 8 students for each training sessions. Each student will have their own adult and infant manikin, CPR pocket mask with valve, and BVM supplied by instructors. (This applies to the BLS classes) Training equipment: • Will be cleaned and sanitized before and after each class by the instructors. Students: • Will not share manikins for any portion of the course or skills, including no pairing up to do 2-rescuer skills on adults or infants. Instructors: • PPE Options are provided via NIH COVID 19 Guidelines located within the link provided https://ors.od.nih.gov/sr/dohs/safety/NIH-covid-19-safety-plan/Pages/default.aspx. • Will assure that all manikins and training equipment is properly sanitized prior to class and then after class. • Will demonstrate all skills and perform “remediation” on their own manikins, not joining the students on their manikins. • Will not touch students to correct form or suggest alternate techniques. Notes: Questions should be directed to Mike Dunn, Training Center Coordinator (TCC) at (301) 451-3294 or email dunnm2@mail.nih.gov.

Class Schedule:
Tue May 06, 25 08:30 AM
DOHS CPR Training|Building 31/6C:DOHS CPR Training Space | Building 31C/BASEMENT: Room B4BN09
Class Type: In-person

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Session Schedule

Date Times Location
Tuesday May 06, 2025 08:30 AM - 11:30 AM DOHS CPR Training|Building 31/6C:DOHS CPR Training Space | Building 31C/BASEMENT: Room B4BN09

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