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Class Details
Class Name: Pediatric Bridge to Practice 2025:February 4, 5 2025
Number of Slots: 15
Openings: 0
Description: This two-day course: Care of the Acute/Critically Ill Child, provides ICU nurses and pediatric nurses with the fundamentals of Pediatric Acute/Critical Care. In this course the assessment of the critically ill child, growth & development, medication administration in an ICU and code setting, psychosocial management of the sick child & family, neurological assessment & management, respiratory adjuncts, electrolyte replacement, hematology & immunology, hypertension management and scenario/skill simulation are all addressed.
Contact Hours: 12.75
Special Comments: None
Target Audience: Target Audience ICU nurses and all nurses caring for children within the NIH CC
Course Objectives: Course Objectives By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
• 95% of learners will describe pediatric critical care assessment components as
demonstrated in skills station
• 95 % of the learners will recall pediatric growth and development stages & Identify care distraction methods through case presentations
• 100 % discuss neurologic care of the critically ill child and return demonstrate the neurological exam
• Analyze pediatric lab values through by answering questions in a case study
at the conclusion of the lecture.
• Describe psychosocial considerations in caring for the critically ill child through case studies
• 100% Demonstrate pediatric emergency care with return demonstration of weight-based emergency meds during mock code
Pre-requisites: Pre-Requisites For ICU nurses: AACN Pediatric Essentials in Critical Care Nursing modules
For all other nurses: none
Class Type: In-person