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Displaying Courses Available for 2024

The following classes are open for registration. Click on the More Information Icon icon to load the registration sessions for the class you are interested in. Then click the Sign Up Icon icon under the Sign Up column to register for your selected session.

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AP Amb Methodology ACUITY PLUS Ambulatory Methodolgy


Acuity Plus for Ambulatory Outpatient Training

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BCT Basic Cardiac Telemetry 2024


This one-day course designed to provide an introduction to ECG interpretation for those that have little or no experience, as well as a great refresher for those that need to renew their skills for working in a telemetry monitoring environment. The course includes: A & P, basic electro-physiology, sinus mechanisms, atrial rhythms, junctional rhythms, ventricular rhythms, AV blocks, and pacemaker rhythms. Additionally, special emphasis will be placed on lead placement (bedside monitor and telemetry), central monitoring, and nursing documentation. Successful completion of this course will meet the required behavioral indicator (BI) required for Cardiac Monitoring Competency validation

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CPI NCI Refresher Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Day-Annual Refresher


The CPI Nonviolent Crisis Intervention annual refresher class with new enhanced content will building on the skills that organize your thinking about how behavior escalates and how to respond appropriately during moments of chaos. This refresher course provides CPI-trained nurses and technicians with the same core program you have always known, now with additional content and new decision-making and physical intervention options to expand staff capabilities.

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CPI NCI 2 Day Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Initial 2 Day Foundation


This two-day course provides the mental health nurse and technician with an introduction to the Crisis Prevention Institute Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Foundation Training Program. The first training day participants will discuss and practice crisis prevention using the CPI Crisis Development Model with a focus on early verbal nonphysical methods and personal safety techniques. On day two participants will discuss and practice how and when to use a team to provide physical intervention for an out of control and dangerous individual.

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Ped EOL Pediatric End of Life Training


The Pediatric End of Life Training is a curriculum developed based on foundational concepts from the Pediatric ELNEC curriculum, a program developed by national experts in pediatric pain and palliative care from the City of Hope and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). As a result of participating in this education activity, participants will describe the nursing care, communication strategies, cultural, spiritual, and ethical considerations necessary when caring for pediatric patients on palliative care or at end of life. THIS ACTIVITY IS A 2-DAY COURSE AND LEARNERS MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS TO RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE.

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