Class Information for Responder 5 Patient Call System Training
By the end of this training session, participants will have knowledge of the Responder 5 Hardware and Software.
Special Comments
Training sessions will be held in the 1NW Large Conference Room (1-2741). Please utilize the Admissions Corridor to reach the back entryway of 1NW where the conference room is found, do not use the Pediatric inpatient unit as a cut through. Educational handouts will be provided at the training session. For additional questions or information, please contact Melanie Mudd: or at 301-827-4755.
Course Objectives
The participant will be able to: -Describe the corridor lights and what the different lights represent - Describe call priorities and call processes - Understand how wireless phones integrate with Nurse Call (Pivot/Versity) and Training on how to use the phone - Describe how RTLS integrates with the Patient Call system - Demonstrate use of Responder 5 Software Applications (My Profile, Bed Assignments), as applicable for patient area - Understand the function of PC Console