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Class Information for Cardiology Review Course


Online self-paced cardiology course that will review normal and dysfunctional cardiac anatomy, physiology, assessment and electrophysiology. The course will include eight on-line case studies requiring individual response and scholarly discussion with peers regarding their response. The course will be facilitated and faculty will be available throughout for question and/or clarification. Upon completion of the course, participants will register for a simulation activity to demonstrate knowledge and skills obtained from this review course. A pre- and post- knowledge assessment will be required. Surveys of the course and simulation activities will be required prior to contact hours being awarded. No partial credit will be awarded.

Contact Hours

12.5 hours self-paced and 3.25 hours Simulation Activity for a Total Contact Hours = 15.75 Contact hours will be awarded to those individuals who attended the entire event and complete and submit the evaluation forms. This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Maryland Nurses Association an accredited approver by the American Nurses' Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. For more information regarding contact hours, please call Melanie Mudd/Nurse Educator at (301)827-4755. This activity has no commercial support or sponsorship. Planner, presenters and content reviewers disclose no conflict of interest relative to this educational activity.

Special Comments

This is a hybrid course requiring an online session with a pretest and posttest knowledge assessment followed by skill simulation assessment.

Target Audience

This course is designed to provide RN's with a basic cardiology review. Nurses in progressive, intensive, and interventional care as well as nurses desiring additional knowledge and skills review in the areas of cardiovascular nursing care.

Course Objectives

1. Define cardiac anatomy and physiology. 2. Identify components of the electrocardiograph 3. Describe nursing considerations and interventions for a patient with various cardiac dysfunctions 4. Describe the role of the RN in cardiac emergencies 5. Given a standardized case study, utilize asynchronous discussion to describe clinical assessment, clinical interventions and possible outcomes 6. Given a clinical scenario, demonstrate appropriate dysrhythmia identification and related clinical interventions in patients experiencing cardiac dysfunction



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