Class Information for Fundamentals of Clinical Research for the Clinical Research Nurse
This educational program is designed for registered nurses who work as a Clinical Research Nurse (CRN) at the NIH Clinical Center. The program will serve as an introduction to the specialty practice of Clinical Research Nursing and provide the foundation on key concepts essential to the five dimensions of Clinical Research Nursing practice and their related competencies.
Contact Hours
0 CE
Special Comments
This course is a 2-day class. Class will be conducted in the Natcher Building (#45) in room F1/F2 from 8am-4:30pm.
Target Audience
Clinical Center Nursing Department Nurses
Course Objectives
1. Describe basic terminology and concepts in relation to clinical resarch. 2. Describe in general terms, two regulations or guidelines applicable to conducting sage and ethically responsible clinical research. 3. Discuss the elements of the informed consent document and describe the process for obtaining and maintaining informed consent/assent. 4. Discuss ethical issues that may arise when care for a research participant on a clinical research protocol. 5. Differentiate the following roles in relation to the research protocol and research participant: principlal investigator, research nurse coordinator, data manager. 6. Recognize essential elements of a clinical resarch protocol as it relates to the role of a clinical resarch nurse in caring for a research participant. 7. Discuss the roles and responsibilities (activities) commonly performed by a Clinical Research Nurse within the Clinical Center Nursing Department.