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Class Information for End of Life Nursing Education Consortium


ELNEC is a curriculum developed by national experts in pain and palliative care from the City of Hope and the AACN. It is intended to provide nurses with the necessary education and tools to manage patients at end-of-life and on palliative care. ELNEC covers topics including palliative nursing care, communication, pain management, symptom management, care of the patient during final hours and loss, grief, and bereavement. This course incorporates cultural considerations and ethics into all of the modules.

Contact Hours


Special Comments

This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Maryland Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

This activity has no commercial support of sponsorship.
Planner, presenters, and content reviewers disclose no conflict of interest relative to this educational activity.
Contact hours will be awarded to those individuals who attend the entire event and complete and submit the evaluation forms.
For more information regarding contact hours, please call Debbie Parchen at 301-402-6898.

Target Audience

Nurses, social workers, and other healthcare providers.

Course Objectives

Following attendance of the End of Life Nursing Education Consortium, the participant will be able to:
1. Describe quality palliative care for patients across the lifespan.
2. Define the importance of ongoing communication with the interdisciplinary team, patient and family throughout an end-of-life process.
3. Identify common symptoms associated with end-of-life processes for patients across the life span.
4. Discuss pain assessment and management at the end of life.
5. Define loss, mourning, grief and bereavement.
6. Assess physical, psychological, social, and spiritual care needs and interventions for an imminently dying patient and their family.
7. Identify dimensions of culture and the influence of culture on palliative care for patients across the life span.
8. Discuss ethical issues and dilemmas that may arise in end-of-life/palliative care.



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