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Class Information for Oncology Education Series - Concepts, Trends, and Care (3 day)


This course provides an overview of oncology nursing fundamentals in cancer diseases, symptom management, survivorship and professional development. Participation in the course provides preparation for those nurses seeking oncology nursing certification(OCN).

Contact Hours


Special Comments

This course meets one day a week for three consecutive weeks. Please take note of dates and room assignments.

Target Audience

This education session is for nurses caring for oncology patients in oncology as well as non oncology areas in inpatient and ambulatory care settings. This course is recommended for nurses with 6 months of oncology nursing experience.

Course Objectives

Following attendance of the OES-Concepts, Trends and Care Course, the participant will be able to:
1. State the signs, symptoms and risk factors for selected cancers.
2. Explain the diagnosis and staging process for selected cancers.
3. Discuss the pathophysiology, treatment modalities, symptom management, complications, and nursing care for the patient with cancer.
4. Develop a teaching plan for the patient and family with cancer.
5. Describe current oncology research being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center.
6. Identify issues related to survivorship for the patient with cancer.
7. Describe recent evidence findings related to oncology nursing care and application of these findings into clinical practice.
8. Identify resources for the oncology nurse, patient and family.
9. Summarize professional activities available to the oncology nurse.


Participation in the Oncology Education Series - Introduction to Oncology.
It is preferred that nurses have worked in the Clinical Center for 6 months prior to attending the course.

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This class has no upcoming registrations at this time

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